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Updated 24th August 2024

FOR SALE, 1:2500 County Series Plans 1870s-1930s (updated 24th August 2024)

A large number of folded sheets are currently being listed on Ebay.  Go to 'Advanced Search' and enter 'Cartoholic' under Seller Name. Counties listed so far are Anglesey, Bedford, Berkshire, Brecon, Buckinghamshire, Cambridge, Cardigan, Carmarthen, Carnarvon, Cheshire, Cornwall, Cumberland, Denbigh, Derby, Devon and Pembrokeshire.


MAP FOR SALE. (added 12th August 2024)

A member woulkd like to sell the 1913 edition of the One inch Irish District map of Killarney. It was Charles Close's favourite map apparently. On cloth, it's in good condition and £49.99 is wanted for it. 

To discuss further, please call Alan Fair on 01730 267991.


FREE TO A GOOD HOME. (added 25th July 2024)

Ordnance Survey One inch 3rd edition maps, revised 1912-13, in good condition.
Sheets 24, 25, 29 and 30, Lancaster & Skipton to Preston & Halifax.
Trimmed, mounted and framed c 154cm by c 111cm  (landscape).

Collect from B93 8BL or perhaps elsewhere by arrangement. To discuss further, contact David Walker by email.


WANTED, Southern sheet of the Ten Mile Planning Series Physical map. (added 24th April 2024)

A member is after a copy of the above and is willing to purchase if a copy is available and the owner is willing to sell. He will also be at the AGM if that makes any transaction or conversation easier.

If anyone would like to discuss this further please contact Barry Davies by email.


WANTED, One inch 5th Relief map and Half Inch Ministry of Transport maps. (updated 24th April 2024)

I am trying to find the last One inch 5th Relief edition map (red H23.1 cover) needed to complete the set. The sheet needed is: 108, Chelmsford and Southend.

Also sheets of the England & Wales half inch 'Ministry of Transport' maps, with the orange paper bookfold covers (H14.1) The sheets needed are: 1, 34 and 38 If anyone has any of these sheets in good condition that they are willing to sell, please contact Ashley Lawrence to discuss prices. 


GSGS MAP COLLECTION (added 19th January 2024)
This is an interesting wartime collection presumably created for the Home Forces prior to or at the start of WWII. It comprises a large wooden chest (circa 32” long x 12” wide x 6” deep) containing folded maps. On the cover of the box is the title “ENGLAND & WALES 1” to 1 Mile & ¼” to 1 Mile G.S.G.S.3907 & G.S.G.S. 3957 Index on inside of lid”. Please see supplied photos to accompany. Inside we have:

  • Mapped index of sheets pasted to inside of lid.
  • Gazetteer of Great Britain. This is an index to the sheets, plus a full index of towns and villages (for England & Wales, Scotland), large format, soft cover.
  • Loose reference cards for the maps including instructions for preparing the maps for placing in Tank Map Boxes (these appear to be the forerunner of the Conventional Sign Cards introduced in late 1941).
  • Folded maps sheets 1-146 (1”)* and 4-12 (1/4”)*

Each map has been glazed, presumably for outdoor use, trimmed of margin and with a tab showing sheet number.

Two other 1” sheets;

  • Special sheet showing boundary of Aldershot Command in experimental waterproofing (varnish spray), pencilled on cover Gen. Norrie (G.O.C.), it is thought this is Gen Sir Willoughby Norrie. Cover torn but complete.
  • Trimmed and folded glazed map of Salisbury Plain, tabbed and showing military training areas in red.


  • Sheets 1,2 and 3 are missing from the ¼” series (as of course is the sheet 5 which was never produced)
  • Sheets 5, 9, 12, 92 and 103 appear to be missing from the collection although they could be mis-filed

Some of the sheets have duplicates, with the later second war revision editions added to the box. Thus there are many more maps than there would have been originally and some subtle printing variations.

The member has not compared the contents with Military Maps the one-inch series of Great Britain and Ireland, by Roger Hellyer and Richard Oliver, CCS 2004, which would be an interesting exercise in itself although challenging with the map marginalia having been removed!

If you are interested in making an offer for these maps, or have further questions, please contact Nick Roberts by email.

SERIAL MAPS (added 19th January 2024)
There is also a complete set of Serial Maps from Volume 1 No 1 (September 1939) through to the last published issue, Volume 9 No 3 (March 1948). They were promoted as a “Monthly Map-Review of World Affairs” and produced in London and Letchworth by Serial Maps (Proprietors: Phoenix House Ltd).

These are a fascinating glimpse into the political and commercial world through maps (many in colour) photographs and narrative, starting with the eve of the war and continuing to post war Britain and Europe. Interesting post-war maps include one showing the proposed UN organization and “structure for peace”, one with a proposed barrage across the River Severn and another the proposed National Parks. 

The member has divided them into eight soft-covered folders, with indices at the front. All in all a truly fascinating read for anyone with an interest in maps and geography. It is thought these are quite scarce outside institutions, not having a large print run and very limited circulation. Those outside institutions have rarely survived.

If you are interested in making an offer for these publications, or have further questions, please contact Nick Roberts by email.



The Bluebell Railway Museum & Archive have, for disposal, a set of Sheetlines from issue No. 1 to Issue 78 including three A5 red binders. These can be collected from near Tilford (Farnham) or they can be posted at a cost. A small donation to the Bluebell Railway Museum is not necessary but would be appreciated.

If you are interested please contact Roger Merry-Price by email to arrange transport.


BACK NUMBERS OF SHEETLINES, Free to a good home (added 24th November 2023)
Please contact Chris Higley by email if you would like a copy of any or all of 'Sheetlines' issues, 69, 70, 73 - 75, 77 - 86. One copy is available of each; no charge, but they are about to go for re-cycling if nobody wants them!


FREE ITEMS FOR DISPOSAL (added 15th November 2023)

A member has the following items to pass on:

  • R&A Rost Coordinatograph
  • Haff planimeter, plus
  • What looks like part of a polar coordinatograph.

Photos are available on request. If you can provide a home for these items, then please contact Jane Shepherd by email.